Jumat, 18 Januari 2013

My Cute Cat

Boni ^_^
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, mengawali goresan baru di awal tahun baru, ups..gk terlalu awal sih (18 Januari 2013)^_^. Terakhir 'nyoret-nyoret' my blog sekitar 4 tahun lalu..wuaaaaaaahhhhh (lama sekaleee ya ;p). Status pun sudah berubah di KTP, dari single berubah nikah..hihihhihi ^_^. Untuk pemanasan di lembar baru ini, saya mau memamerkan kucing kesayangan dulu deh..Hualaaaaa, this is'it! Boniiiiiiii... ^_^ !!!!!

Minggu, 18 Mei 2008

ESQ Trainning

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
16 - 17 Mei 2008, I've followed my ESQ Trainning. Wow, now I'm 'alumni ESQ'! That sounds very good for me coz after this moment I got very much knowledge about life, good values, and of course about God!
Honestly it'll be my unforgettable moment in my life. After I have experienced in other events or activities, I think it's one of My best experience!
And I'll recommende this trainning to all my family & friends...

Rabu, 02 April 2008

Friendship Forever

I have Many Friends from other country, they are very nice people. I know, in Life Friendship is very Important!! Friend is like Our family, our sisters and brothers..So, I'm very happy if can make anyfriend in other country, culture, skin colour, event religion..I'm very happy to make peace and build love to each other!